Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry's victory over Taylor Swift in Forbess top-paid women for music may titillate people who enjoy low grade pop beef. Further down Forbes' listing of 10, where the intrigue really is and could lead to an opponent. Helene Fisher ranks at no. 8. She is just below Rihanna but higher than Celine along with Britney. Who? The German-Russian superstar is determined to maintain her everywoman appeal for only one thing. In the many interviews she has given, she only mentions that she loves artisanal butter. Her lover, who is a German television star was surprised to see her tattooed face across his arm. The biographical details are a bit boring. Fischer 34 is the king in Germanys Schlager scene, a genre that tends to two direction. First, there are oompah-like bierhalle beats that swaggers about matters related to alcohol-related boozebabes as well as Bundesrepublik. Fischer is the woman who has faith, is the foil of this song: she's the girl who's heart beats faster and she stops breathing as she thinks about her committed partner who uses the feminine side of her to strengthen her instincts of protection. Schlager's traditional themes were an ideal counterpoint to the western-influenced music that came into Germany after the Second World war. It is still popular thanks to its popularity with baby boomers and beyond and is well-served by infinite Schlager TV specials Fischer offers every year at Christmas with a dramatic all-star spectacle that makes Jools Annual Hootenanny look like channel 4s club X. Schlager is a tribute to the down-home vibe of the country genre and Fischer added a fresh dynamic synth-pop makeover as if Fischer were German Taylor Swift. While Swifts change in her style brought her popularity, it is difficult to quantify how much criticism is there for Fischers frankly horrible music.
Claudia Wells was an American actor who was born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but born in San Francisco CA. Wells gained celebrity notoriety by appearing in the film Back to the Future as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girlfriend. Wells was a co-star with a number of celebrities in anti-drug music videos commissioned by the Reagan regime. Following that, she appeared in the movie Babies Having Babies. And she was the main character in Fast Times a television adaption of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Despite her career moving forward along a well-known towards success in the entertainment industry, Claudia took a break from acting when she was informed that her mom had cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia's work within the world of entertainment is not to be. Even though she's earned more than 50 credits which includes theater, film and television parts, she believes that she will still have a long way to go. That includes finding raunchy characters that go beyond convention. Claudia Wells manages Armani Wells, a men's premium-clothing retailer. To learn more visit

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