Ashlee Montague and Ashlee Casserly
Ashlee Rosa Montague has performed many times. If not, the 5-Year-Old Guinness World Record Holder with long-running track history of many achievements is a regular on the Live performance of The Greatest Showman and even on American's Got Talent. Ashlee is known by many names, including"the House Flipper (or Irish Real Estate operator) as well as the Irish property operator. People know her throughout the world due to her show on television Zombie Flipping houses. Then it was just a matter of time before she achieved a lot following her the move from Ireland. Ashlee Casserly as well as Justin Stamper a businessman and real estate agent exchanged wedding vows. Two kids have been born to them. It is not known their names or the ages. Justin and Ashlee dated a lot prior to their wedding. Ashlee Casserly moved back to United States in order to pursue her undergraduate degree. In 2007, she obtained her real estate license. Ashlee became the subject of the media when she joined Zombie House Flipping. She is preoccupied with selling and buying real estate. Casserly's career as an agent is a huge success. Her estimated net worth as of 2023 is around 1 million dollars. She lives in America and lives in a luxurious home with her family, husband and children. Ashlee, a successful real estate agent makes lots of income.

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